
Dispatches From A Ford

by Jeff M

Stopped at Taco Bell this afternoon. I ordered two regular tacos and a grilled stuffed burrito, and I waited 15 minutes to get the order.

The girl, a beautiful Lolita who wore her loins in her expression, apologized to me.

"It's been like this all day," she said, arching her brows and leaning on the fold-out window. She looked back into the kitchen and whispered to me, "All they speak is Spanish."

I made out, though: got an apple turnover the size of a throw pillow, some twists that looked like burnt rope and a free freezy.

You know, I guess my fast food experience made perfect sense; I'd just gotten out of a noon showing of The Dark Knight, a wonderful and boisterous romp within the arena of madness, philosophy and just plain old mean deeds. Heath Ledger went deep, and that's all we as passive observers can ask for when the lights go dark.

"The thing about chaos," The Joker says, "is that...it's fair."

All we commoners can think to ask for is fast fast-food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if it's a flaw in the film or a flaw in the character, but the Joker is not what he claims to be. He says he represents chaos and chance, that he works without a plan. But take a look at his actions. EVERYTHING he does is the result of a well-designed, carefully calculated, perfectly timed plan.