

by Jeff M

tis the season of the IRS when prior intentions are exposed for the onions they are ---
i thought it meant bloated, full, round with joy,
a most round word, full of bellicose

the boy has bellicose laughter

the man felt bellicose when he saw the deer in his backwoods

it means "eager to make war."

I saw the deer, though, from the back window of my home.
four of them.
a tribe of tight pelts
and caution
stiff bat ears
and teeth that pull the food hard but quiet, somehow,
making a war to feed their bellies

My oldest son is on the bed,
having returned from karate class. I
told him about the deer and...I don't know.

"One, two, three --- someone's dead."

What? What are you talking about?

"Every three seconds, someone dies."

I'm putting his bed together. I'm putting one sheet on top of the other, atop this camping cot,
Army cot, uncomfortable to his spine, but happy it makes me, him here, most dear

"One, two, three --- someone's dead."

He does not understand that I will make this bed as comfortable as I can, as I'm able, to define it for him in ways he otherwise would not understand.

"One, two --- "

Okay, stop. Just stop. I don't want to hear that anymore.

"...three, someone's born."

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