by Jeff M
The Flint Hills of Kansas is quickly becoming an important place in my life. This past weekend, I journeyed there once again --- this time with more geographic familiarity and an understanding of what to expect.
I'm not yet ready to say what it is about this place that is so special to me. I've always trusted words to get the job done, but sometimes pictures do just as --- if not more --- good in conveying the true meaning of an ancient geography. And The Flint Hills is certainly ancient, the result of millions of years of steady erosion by way of wind, fire, moisture and grazing.
What you will be looking at over the next few weeks are pictures I took over the course of two and a half days, all of which will be presented in the order they were taken.
I hope you enjoy looking at them just as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Wonderful, I can hardly wait!!
Positive mention of the Flint Hills always gets my attention! Thanks!
So happy it brought me to your site. Hope you and your readers visit regularly.
Our 22 county Flint Hills Tourism Coalition, Inc. promotes visits to the Kansas Flint Hills – the website is:
Best wishes!
Dr. Bill ;-)
Personal Blog:
I look forward to seeing more pictures. Thanks for sharing. Many of us share a connection to this unique landscape and appreciate hearing others talk about it, or seeing others photograph it.
I always check your posts here and I enjoy the content that you and the others contributors have posted here.
I really look forward to seeing more photos and hearing about this place and why it is special to you, if you can do so in words.
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